Meteorology and climate researches including climate change, weather disasters, and their connection with human societies

Past News, HOME

2024.04.04 [Info.] Ryohei Hasegawa, Rio Morita, Yuna Yamazaki(the first year of the master's course) joined our laboratory.

2024.03.28 [Info.] Four students in our laboratory got their degree on March 25 (doctor's degree:1, master's degree:3). Congratulations! We wish you many more successes in the future. The picture after the celemony is found here.

2024.03.28 [Award] The Graduate School Poster Presentation Session 2023 was held on March 13. Shixue LI was awarded the Research Excellence Award. Congratulations!

2024.03.21 [Research] The collaborative research result by Hiroshi TAKAHASHI(Tokyo Metropolitan University), Shiori SUGIMOTO(JAMSTEC), and Tomonori SATO was published in " Springer Nature「Climate Dynamics」" and press released. The title is "Impact of spring land-surface conditions over the Tibetan Plateau on the early summer Asian monsoon using an AGCM large ensemble".

2023.12.25 [Award] The presentation by Takehiro MORIOKA was selected as the best presentation award for MSJ-Hokkaido branch meeting. Congratulations!

2023.12.20 [Award] The presentation by Xiling Zhou at the Meteorological Society of Japan autumn meeting in Sendai won the Matsuno award. This is the first time that an international student and a presentation in English have won the award. Congratulations!
  • Title: Synoptic characteristics of summer heatwaves over northeastern Siberia

2023.11.15 [Info.] The 9TH GLOBAL ENERGY AND WATER EXCHANGES OPEN SCIENCE CONFERENCE will be held in Sapporo on 8-12 July 2024. It will be the first time for major GEWEX events to be hosted by Japan.

2023.10.16 [Info.] Takehiro Morioka(the first year of the doctor's course) and Yumeng Liu (a special research student) joined our laboratory.

2023.10.04 [Research] The paper by Xiling ZHOU was published in "Progress in Earth and Planetary Science". The title is "Interannual variation of the Warm ArcticーCold Eurasia pattern modulated by Ural blocking and the North Atlantic Oscillation under changing sea ice conditions".

2023.09.25 [Research] The paper by Shixue LI was published in "nature communications". The title is "East Asian summer rainfall stimulated by subseasonal Indian monsoonal heating".

2023.06.29 [Award] Kenta TAMURA presented at the Hotspot2 workshop( Mid-latitude Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions: Their Processes and Predictability), and his presentation was selected as YHS( Young HotSpotter) presenter award winners. Congratulations!
  • Kenta TAMURA( with Tomonori SATO):
  • 「Regional warming in winter Japan enhanced by sea ice retreat over nearby sea」

2023.06.07 [Research] The research result by Tomonori SATO, Kenta TAMURA was published in "Geophysical Research Letters" and press released. The title is "Localized Strong Warming and Humidification Over Winter Japan Tied to Sea Ice Retreat".

2023.04.17 [Info.] Kento Kobayashi(the first year of the master's course) joined our laboratory.

Past News, HOME

Affiliation: Hokkaido University Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Section of Integrated Environmental Science, Conservation on Natural Environments
Teaching: Division of Environmental Science Development, Course in Human and Ecological Systems, and Division of Earth System Science , Course in Atmosphere-Ocean and Climate Dynamics
Mail To: Tomonori Sato
Bldg. B Room B304, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University North 10, West 5, Sapporo, 060-0810, JAPAN