Meteorology and climate researches including climate change, weather disasters, and their connection with human societies

Past News, HOME

2025.01.06 [Research] The paper by Xiling Zhou was published in "International Journal of Climatology". The title is "Different Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Associated With Heatwaves Over Northeastern Siberia in July and August".

2025.01.06 [Award] The presentation by Kazuya Wakao at the Meteorological Society of Japan autumn meeting in Tsukuba won the Matsuno award. Congratulations!

2024.12.18 [Research] The research result by Kenta Tamura, Tomonori Sato was published in "Journal of Geophysical Research -Atmospheres" and press released. The title is "Evaluating how historical climate change affected a heavy snowfall event in northern Japan in mid-December 2021 using two pseudo global warming methods".

2024.10.24 [Info.] The short clip video of GEWEX (9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference) was uploaded on YouTube. Please have a look at the GEWEX OSC2024 official site.

2024.10.03 [Info.] Congratulations! Ferreira Ramim Bruna finished her master's degree on September 25, Yumeng Liu has completed her duties as a research student and Shixue Li has moved to Monash University. We hope you'll be successful in your next stage!
The picture is found here.

2024.08.08 [Research] 7 members and 3 alumnus in our laboratory participated in GEWEX (9th Global Energy and Water EXchanges Open Science Conference <7/8-7/12> in Sapporo).
Official website is here.

2024.07.18 [Award] The presentation by Kazuya Wakao at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting was selected as the Outstanding Student Presentation Award. Congratulations! (More information is found here).

2024.07.18 [Award] Shixue Li received "The Matsuno Environmental Science Award". Congratulations! (More information is found here).

2024.07.11 [Info.] Kazushi Kikuchi(the first year of the master's course) joined our laboratory.

2024.07.04 [Research] A research group including Tonomori Sato and Kenta Tamura published the collaborative research result in "Ecology and Evolution". The title is "Rare bird forecast: A combined approach using a long-term dataset of an Arctic seabird and a numerical weather prediction model".

2024.04.04 [Info.] Ryohei Hasegawa, Rio Morita, Yuna Yamazaki(the first year of the master's course) joined our laboratory.

Past News, HOME

Affiliation: Hokkaido University Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Section of Integrated Environmental Science, Conservation on Natural Environments
Teaching: Division of Environmental Science Development, Course in Human and Ecological Systems, and Division of Earth System Science , Course in Atmosphere-Ocean and Climate Dynamics
Mail To: Tomonori Sato
Bldg. B Room B304, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University North 10, West 5, Sapporo, 060-0810, JAPAN