Schedule and Outline for the Entrance Exam


Application Guidelines

Please contact the academic support section of the office of the Graduate School of Environmental Science for application guidelines, application forms, an introductory pamphlet to the graduate school, or an inquiry regarding the entrance exam. You can also download the application guidelines from the Graduate School of Environmental Science entrance examination information page.

Schedule and Outline for the Entrance Exam

Master’s Course

See this page, or the Japanese Page.

Doctoral Course

  • Examination Subjects (held in fall and spring)
    • English
    • Oral examination: Centered on master’s theses
      • Fall (end of August): Bring a completed master’s theses or their equivalents on the day of the exam.
      • Spring (planned for the end of February): Submit your master’s thesis summary (fewer than 3 A4 pages) at the time of application.