Curriculum Vitae
(Masatomo Fujiwara)
- July 2022 - present
- Section of Earth System Science,
Faculty of Environmental Earth Science,
Hokkaido University, Japan.
- April 2005 - June 2022
- Section of Earth System Science,
Faculty of Environmental Earth Science,
Hokkaido University, Japan.
Associate Professor.
(May-December 2010: Sabbatical Leave (NCAR, USA; Yangjiang, China))
- April 2003 - March 2005
- Division of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences,
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science,
Hokkaido University, Japan.
Associate Professor.
- April 2001 - March 2003
- Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere (RASC),
Kyoto University, Japan.
Research fellow (PD) of the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists.
- April 2000 - March 2001
- Division of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences,
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science,
Hokkaido University, Japan.
Research fellow (PD) of the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists.
- April 1999 - March 2000
- Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, Graduate School of Science,
University of Tokyo, Japan.
Research fellow (PD) of the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists.
- March 1999: Ph.D (Science), University of Tokyo
- April 1996 - March 1999
- Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, Graduate School of Science,
University of Tokyo, Japan. Doctor course.
Research fellow (DC2) of the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for Young Scientists
since April 1998.
- April 1994 - March 1996
- Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, Graduate School of Science,
University of Tokyo, Japan. Master course.
- April 1990 - March 1994
- Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science,
University of Tokyo, Japan.
"Rika 1-rui" (Natural Sciences I), University of Tokyo, Japan.
Meteorological Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Atmospheric Chemistry
Japan Geoscience Union
American Geophysical Union
American Meteorological Society
American Meteorological Society (AMS) Scientific and Technological Activities Commission (STAC) Technological Accomplishment Award 2025 ("For exceptional leadership of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project and unremitting dedication to developing and evaluating middle atmosphere measurements") [AMS STAC Award Info]
The SOLA Award in 2023 (for Suzuki et al., SOLA, 2023)
[link to paper]
[link to the announcement(en)]
2017 Sustainability Science Best Paper Awards - Outstanding Article (Sugiyama et al., SS, 2017)
[link to paper]
[link to the announcement]
JMSJ Award for the papers by
Sakazaki and Fujiwara (JMSJ, 2010a, 2010b),
Meteorological Society of Japan, 2010
[link to paper 2010a]
[link to paper 2010b]
The Yamamoto-Shouno Medal for the paper by Fujiwara et al.
(JGR, 1998), Meteorological Society of Japan, 2000
[link to paper]
[link to article in jp]
Board Member/Activity Leader (international only):
GCOS/WCRP AOPC Working Group on GRUAN, Co-Chair (April 2024 - present), Member (August 2006 - present)
ISO/TC146/SC5/WG11 Radiosonde, Member (October 2022 - present)
(Past appointments)
WCRP Task Team for Intercomparison of ReAnalyses (TIRA),
Co-chair (February 2018 - 2024), Member (October 2016 - 2024)
International Ozone Commission (IO3C),
Member (September 2016 - July 2024)
SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP),
Co-lead (June 2011 - July 2024)
GRUAN Task Team Radiosonde, Co-chair (2010 - March 2024)
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,
Editorial Board Member (July 2006 - December 2022)
Assessment of Operating Procedures for Ozone Sondes (ASOPOS) 2.0,
Panel Member (2017 - July 2020)
Scientific Steering Committee of
the Ozone Data Quality Assessment (O3S-DQA) and
the Jülich Ozone Sonde Intercomparison Experiment (JOSIE),
Member (July 2016 - 2017)
International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere (ICMA),
Member (July 2011 - 2019)