Typhoon Haishen

Tangential winds in the eye of Typhoon Haishen in 2020 were derived.


  • Satellite images are not parallax corrected.
  • We have only verified it by superimposing it on the azimuth-time cross section.
  • Outside the radius of 20 km, it slows down to pick up the speed of the upper clouds.
  • These are preliminary figures, so please keep them as a reference only.

Preliminary Analysis of Typhoon Haishen (2020 10th)

Tangential winds in the eye of Typhoon Haishen in 2020 were derived.

1. Method

The method of Tsukada and Horinouchi, 2020 was used for the analysis.

2. Configuration

  • Data: Himawari-8 typhoon target observation data
  • Band:Visible(B03; 0.64 μm)
  • Analysis period:2020-09-04 04Z-05Z
  • Analysis radii:10-25 km

3. Himawari-8 animation during the analysis period

4. Results

The eye of Typhoon Haishen rotated at an angular velocity of about 1.70×10-3 rad/s. It has a peak angular velocity of 1.75×10-3 rad/s with a period of about 1 hour at a radius of 16 km. The data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) at that time were the central pressure of 925 hPa and the maximum wind speed of 100 kt. No image

5. Verification

The figures show (a) space-time power spectra at several radii, (b) results of the angular velocity binning, and (c) superimposed azimuth-time cross sections and derived wind. It can be concluded from the figures that the derived results are generally reliable.

10 km radius

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15 km radius

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(peak) 16 km radius

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20 km radius

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25 km radius

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