


Numaguti, A.Transport and recycling of water vapor over the Eurasian Continent. International Workshop on "Water cycles in wet and dry regions in Asia", Nagoya, September 2001.

Mukougawa, H., and M. Abe  Multiple zonal flow regimes in a two-layermodel. International Workshop on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic. Sendai, 23-25 August 2000.

Inatsu, M., H. Mukougawa and S.-P. Xie(IPRC/SOEST):On the localization of strong wind shear and storm tracks in an idealized AGCM. International Workshop on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic. Sapporo, 25 January 2001.

Mukougawa, H., M. Inatsu , and S.-P. Xie(IPRC/SOEST) Formation of zonal asymmetry in wintertime circulations in an idealized AGCM: Westerly jet core, stationary eddy, and storm track. U.S.-Japan Seminar. Kyoto, 13-17 March 2001.

Arai, M., and H. Mukougawa The role of the synoptic disturbances in Maintenance of Blocking events. U.S.-Japan Seminar, Kyoto, 13-17 March 2001.

Inatsu, M., and H. Mukougawa , and S.-P. Xie (IPRC/SOEST)GCM experiments on the impact of surface boundary conditions on the Arctic Oscillation. U.S.-Japan Seminar, Kyoto, 13-17 March 2001.

Mizuta, G., Fukamachi, Y., Ohshima, K.I., and Wakatsuchi, M. Southward current off the east coast of Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk observed from 1998 to 2000. The 16th international symposium on Okhotsk  Sea and sea ice, Monbetsu, Japan, February 2001.

Yasushi Fukamachi, Genta Mizuta, Kay I. Ohshima, and Masaaki Wakatsuchi Estimation of dense shelf water volume transport using long-term mooring data off the east coast of Sakhalin in 1998-2000. The 16th international symposium on Okhotsk Sea and sea ice, Monbetsu, Japan, February 2001.

Kay I. Ohshima and Sohey NihashiIce albedo feedback effect on sea ice/ocean coupled system in the Antarctic., Second Wadati Conference on Global Change and Polar Climate, Tsukuba, JAPAN, 7-9 March, 2001

Kay I. Ohshima, Tomohiro Watanabe and Sohey Nihashi, Heat budget in the Sea of Okhotsk and the role of sea ice on the budget., Second Wadati Conference on Global Change and Polar Climate, Tsukuba, JAPAN, 7-9 March, 2001

J. Inoue, M. Honda and M. Kawashima: Sea-ice effect on the air mass transformation over the southwestern region of the Sea of Okhotsk during cold air outbreaks (The 16th International Symposium on  Okhotsk Sea & Sea ice, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, 4-8 February, 2001)

T.kawamura,K.Shirasawa,M.Ishikawa,M.Ikeda,T.Takatsuka and T.DaibouStudy on physical properties of sea ice in Lake Saroma. Abstracts of The 16th International symposium on Okhotsk sea  sea ice .37-44,2001.

T.Ikeya,K.Kikuchi-Kawanobe,H.Hattori,K.Shirasawa,M.M.Takahashi.Matrix of algae and iceheterogeneous components of microalgal population within sea ice of Saroma Ko Lagoon, Hokkaido Japan. Abstracts of The 16th International symposium on Okhotsk sea & sea ice.57-61,2001.

C.Postlethwaite, K.Shirasawa, G.Runham,and W.Jenkins.A Strategy for Evaluating the Role of Seasonal Sea Ice in Deep Water Formation. Abstracts of The 16th International symposium on Okhotsk sea & sea 70-75,2001.

K.Shirasawa,T.Daido,Y.Fujiyoshi,M.Ishikawa,T.Kawamura,M.Leppa()ranta,T.Saloranta and T.Takatsuka.Interannual Variability  in Hydrometeorological Conditions of Saroma-ko Lagoon Hokkaido,Japan. Abstracts of The 16th International symposium on Okhotsk sea& sea ice.76-78.2001.

V.F.Krapivin,J.J.Kelly,K.ShirasawaA GEOGRAPHICAL MODELING SYSTEM FOCUSED ON ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE RELATED TO HUMAN IMPACTS ON A MARINE ECOSYSTEM. Abstracts of The 16th International symposium on Okhotsk sea & sea ice .241-247,2001.

M. Leppäranta,K. Shirasawa and M. Aota On the use of coastal radar for investigation of sea ice dynamics. Abstracts of The 16th International symposium on Okhotsk sea & sea ice.301-303,2001.

H.Enomoto,N.Kimura,K.Tateyama,K.Shirasawa and S.Uratsuka,Kitami Institute of Technology,Frontier Observation Research System for Global Change,Institute of Low Temperature Science,Okhotsk Sea Ice Research Co.Ltd,Communication Research LaboratoryComparisons of Sea-Ice Motion Analysis derived by SAR,AVHRR,SSM/I and

Sea ice radar.Abstracts of The 16th International symposium on Okhotsk sea & sea ice .304-308,2001.



沼口敦: IOP 2000 期間における広域放射観測 地域性と大規模場との対応.  GAME Siberia 国内ワークショップ,  東京, 20013.

沼口敦, 栗田直幸:  2000IOP広域降水同位体比観測報告. GAME Siberia 国内ワークショップ, 東京, 20013.

沼口敦:雲と放射場の相互作用. 大気放射セミナー, 札幌, 20013.

沼口敦:地球スケールの水循環把握への自然および仮想トレーサーの利用. 水文・水資源学会研究討論会「20世紀の水文・水資源学」, 東京, 20013.

向川 均・稲津 將・謝 尚平(国際太平洋研究センター)::理想化したAGCMによる冬季対流圏循環における東西非一様性形成メカニズムの解明: 亜熱帯ジェットコア・中高緯度定在波・ストームトラック. 東京大学気候システム研究センター CCSR セミナー (2001327 東京)

藤井 賢彦, 野尻 幸宏, 山中 康裕, 道郎: 鉛直1次元生態系モデルのKNOT時系列観測への適用, 日本海洋学会春季大会, 東京, 20013

豊田威信、河村俊行、浮田甚郎(NASA)、若土正暁:オホーツク海南部の海氷の構 造特性、日本雪氷学会、104日、加賀市


Y. Fujiyoshi et al.Numerical simulation of cloud clusters associated with the Mei-yu frontal zone(「21世紀の地球環境と予測」平成12年度地球フロンティア研究システム・地球観測フロンティア研究成果発表会、2001年3月21-23日、コクヨホール、東京)

吉橋幸子,河崎善一郎,藤吉康志,新井健一郎,大石英子,石原正仁: ダウンバーストの発生と雷放電の比較検証(2) (日本大気電気学会研究発表会、千葉、20011)



CREST KNOT 生態系モデリング班: 鉛直1次元生態系モデルのKNOT時系列観測への 適用,科学技術振興事業団「地球変動のメカニズム」シンポジウム, 東京, 20011