第330回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ
日 時: 11月28日(木) 10:30 - 12:00
Date : Thu., 28 Nov. 10:30 − 12:00
場 所: 低温科学研究所 3階 講堂
Place : Institute of Low Temperature Science, 3F Auditorium
発表者:川口 悠介 (東京大学 大気海洋研究所/助教)
Speaker:Yusuke Kawaguchi (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute,
The University of Tokyo/Assistant Professor)
Title:Observational study of internal gravity waves (IGW) and turbulence
in the Arctic Ocean under the global warming
北極海の内部重力波と乱流混合についての観測研究 川口 悠介 (Yusuke Kawaguchi) 発表要旨:
The Arctic Ocean has been believed as a quiescent water in terms of turbulent energy and waves. This is mainly because perennial ice cover tends to retard response of water to winds due to its friction and collision, resulting in reduced momentum input from the air to the deep water. According to our observations of shipboard surveys, autonomous drifting buoys, and mooring instrumentations, we had chances to evaluate kinetic energy dissipation rate and variability of IGW activities in the western Arctic, where ice shows profound retreat in a last couple of decades. The observations show apparent increase of kinetic energy associated with IGW in the upper part of Arctic water, presumably reflecting increased chance of direct interactions between air and water in the alternative situation. In the last part of my talk, I would be happy to present our observation plans about IGWs under thick ice in forthcoming surveys at the MOSAiC expedition (https://www.mosaic-expedition.org/). During this campaign, an icebreaking research vessel “Polarstern” is frozen/trapped in central Arctic ice field and drift with them over a year, like Fridtjof Nansen's voyage!