第307回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ
日 時: 4月19日(木) 9:30 - 12:00
Date : Thu., 19 Apr. 9:30−12:00
場 所: 環境科学院D201室
Place : Env. Sci. Bldg. D201
Speaker:Humio Mitsudera (Institute of Low Temperature Science/Professor)
Title:Formation of quasi-stationary jets that connect the subtropical and subpolar gyres of the North Pacific
Speaker:Mensah Vigan (Institute of Low Temperature Science/PD)
Title:Formation and evolution of the Kuril Basin anticyclonic circulation
北太平洋の亜熱帯と亜寒帯をつなぐ準定常ジェットの形成について 三寺史夫(Humio Mitsudera)発表要旨:
北太平洋の亜熱帯循環と亜寒帯循環の境界では、黒潮水と親潮水が入り組みなが ら複雑なフロント構造が形成されている。そこには黒潮続流から派生した準定常 的な海流が存在しており、高温高塩の海水を高緯度域へと運ぶ役割を担っている。 このため、準定常ジェットと親潮起源の冷たい水が接する亜寒帯フロントは、北 太平洋における最も強いSSTフロントであり、その変動は北半球の気候変動に大き な影響を与えることがわかってきた。また、海洋の熱・水・物質循環の観点にお いても重要な役割を担っている。このように近年注目されている準定常ジェット であるが、その形成過程や変動機構は未解明であった。 ここでは準定常ジェットの形成過程について、傾圧ロスビー波の伝播の観点か ら考察する。そして、北太平洋の深海底5500mにおける緩やかで背の低い地形が表 層の海流およびSSTフロントの形成に驚くほど影響を与えることを示す。Formation and evolution of the Kuril Basin anticyclonic circulation Mensah Vigan 発表要旨:
Recently acquired temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen data are used to generate bi-monthly climatologies of hydrographic properties and dynamic height in the Kuril Basin of the Okhotsk Sea, the first climatologies on a seasonal or sub-seasonal scale to be be produced in this region. A climatology of current velocity is also produced from drifting float trajectories. These climatologies are used to document the formation and evolution of the anticyclonic circulation (AC) in the Kuril Basin and to propose a mechanism for these processes. The AC exhibits a seasonal variability, starting with an along-shore buildup of dynamic height off the coast of Hokkaido and the southern Kuril Islands in January-February, following which this positive anomaly separates from the coast towards the Kuril Basin in March-April. The AC persists throughout most of the year, reaching its peak magnitude in September-October, before decaying rapidly in November-December. The along shore buildup of Dynamic Height in January-February is shown to be due to the dynamic response of isopycnals to wind forcing, leading to significant downwelling near the coast. The subsequent separation of the anomaly from the shore is likely a result of a relaxation of the wind forcing at the end of winter and cross-sections of dynamic height differences between each climatological period suggest a wave-like propagation of the AC, although this merits to be confirmed. Analysis of Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHa) from satellite altimeter and wind stress from reanalysis product suggests that the intensity and location of the AC are strongly anti-correlated with the local wind stress curl and the wind stress magnitude respectively.