
第274回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ

日 時: 9月 1日(火) 15:00
場 所: 環境科学院 2階 D201

Speaker:Associate Professor Ayako Abe-Ouchi (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute)
Climate Modeling for the study of the past and future climate

発表者:Andrew Gunn (北海道大学特別研究学生、タスマニア大学特別研究学生)
Student in a Bachelor of Marine Science with Honours (University of Tasmania)
題名:The role of ocean mixing and Southern Ocean Westerlies for ocean carbon: theory development and comparison with a GCM.


The role of ocean mixing and Southern Ocean Westerlies for ocean carbon: theory development and comparison with a GCM. (Andrew Gunn) 発表要旨:

Where carbon lies within the Earth system is important for climate and life. The partitioning between the ocean and atmosphere reservoirs of carbon is particularly important because their exchange is relatively quick and large. The mechanisms controlling this exchange are actively researched, but the contribution from ocean physics remains poorly understood. This work takes an idealised theoretical approach to understand how the meridional overturning circulation (MOC), through its sensitivity to Southern Ocean westerlies and diapycnal mixing, can set the amount of carbon the ocean contains. The fully-analytical theory relies on augmenting scaling analysis of the MOC with a novel Lagrangian perspective on a carbon-decomposition framework. Validation of the theory's MOC and carbon dependencies to wind and mixing is undertaken through comparison with an extensive parameter sensitivity study using a coarse-resolution ocean-only GCM, with similarities and differences discussed. Results suggest, with good agreement between model and theory, a modest decrease in ocean carbon with an increase in wind or mixing. The implications of this work for the last glacial maximum (LGM), conflict or consensus with other research, and open questions for future study are noted.


豊田 威信 (Takenobu Toyota)
mail-to: toyota@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp