--------------------------------------------------------------------- 平成 25 年度 M1論文紹介発表会 (大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー) のお知らせ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 今年度のM1論文紹介発表会を下記の通り行いますので どうぞご参集下さい. 日時・場所:11月28日 午前09:30 - 12:00(環境科学院D201) 29日 午前09:30 - 15:30(低温研講堂) 形態:発表17分、質疑応答8分 プログラム 11月28日(木) 日時:11月28日(木) 午前09:30 - 12:00 天澤 俊行 Hirohiko Nakamura and Ayako Nishina, Shoshiro Minobe, 2012: Response of Storm Tracks to Bimodal Kuroshio Path States South of Japan. J. Climate, 25, 7772-7779. 池田 隼人 Liu, D., Z. Wang, Z. Liu, D. Winker, and C. Trepte,2008: A height resolved global view of dust aerosols from the first year CALIPSO lidar measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D16214. 小野 祐嗣 Oystein, S. and Kjell, A. O. 2002: Identifying fluctuation in the Norwegian Atlantic Slope Current by means of empirical orthogonal functions. Cont. Shelf Res., 22, 547-563. 谷平 洋介 Alexander, Michael A., James D. Scott, 2008: The Role of Ekman Ocean Heat Transport in the Northern Hemisphere Response to ENSO. J. Climate, 21, 5688-5707. 森江 亮介 L. D. Talley and Jae-Yul Yun, 2001: The Role of Cabbeling and Double Diffusion in Setting the Density of the North Pacific Intermediate Water Salinity Minimum. J. Phys. Oceangr.,31,1538-1549 11月29日(金) 日時:11月29日(金) 午前09:30 - 15:30 9:30~ 河村 慎太郎 Jielun Sun , Larry Mahrt , Robert M. Banta and Yelena L.Pichugina, 2012: Turbulence Regimes and Turbulence Intermittency in the Stable Boundary Layer during CASES-99. J. Atomos. Sci., 69, 338-351 小西 慶 D.-S.KIM, M.MAKI, S.SHIMIZU and D.-I.LEE, 2012: X-Band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations of Precipitation Core Development and Structure in a Multi-Cellular Storm over Zoshigaya,Japan, on August 5,2008. J. Meteorological Society of Japan, 90, 701-719. 瀬﨑 歩美 Compo, G. P. et al., 2011: Review article, The twentieth century reanalysis project. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137, 1-28. 添田 雅規 Koch et al., 2005: Turbulence and gravity waves within an upper-level front. J. Atmos. Sci., 62, 3885-3908 中村 誠吾 Sung-Dae Kang and Fujio Kimura, 1997: A Numerical Study on the Mechanism of Cloud-Street Formation in the Lee of an Isolated Mountain Near a Coast J. Meteorological Society of Japan, 75, 955 - 968 守家 衣利加 Melling, H., Riedel, D.A., 1996: Development of seasonal pack ice in the Beaufort Sea during the winter of 1991-1992: A view from below. J. Geophys. Res., 101 (C5), 11975-11991. 13:00~ 納口 泰輔 William J. Randel, Fei Wu, Holger Vomel, Gerald E.Nedoluha, and Piers Forster, 2006: Decreases in stratospheric water vopar after 2001:Links to changes in the tropical tropopause and the Brewer-Dobson cirlation. J. Geophy. Res., 111, D12312. 林 歩夢 (2篇) Postel, G. A. and M. H. Hitchman, 1999: A climatology of Rossby wave breaking along the subtropical tropopause. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 359-373. Waugh, D. W., and L. M. Polvani, 2000: Intrusions into the tropical upper troposphere. Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 3857–3860. 平沢 陽子 Sylvain Dupont and Edward G. Patton, 2012: Influence of stability and seasonal canopy changes on micrometeorology within and above an orchard canopy: The CHATS experiment. Agricaltural and Forest Meteorology, 157, 11-29 三村 慧 Eric J. Jensen, Glenn Diskin, R. Paul Lawson, Sara Lance, T. Paul Bui, Dennis Hlavka, Matthew McGill, Leonhard Pfister, Owen B. Toon, and Rushan Gao. 2013: Ice nucleation and dehydration in the tropical tropopause layer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, 2041–2046. 山下 慎司 Kei Sakamoto, Hiroyuki Tsujino, Shiro Nishikawa, Hideyuki Nakano, and Tatsuo Motoi, 2010: Dynamics of the Coastal Oyashio and Its Seasonal Variation in a High- Resolution Western North Pacific Ocean Model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 1283-1301. ----- 連絡先 川島 正行 (Masayuki Kawashima) mail-to: kawasima@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp