
第 242回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ

日 時: 6月 27日(木) 午前 09:30
場 所: 環境科学院 D棟2階 D201号室

発表者: 阿部泰人(低温科学研究所/PD)
\\Hiroto Abe (PD)
題名: 熱帯収束帯の南北変位によって励起された海洋ロスビー波
\\Oceanic Rossby waves induced by the meridional shift of the ITCZ in association with the ENSO events


熱帯収束帯の南北変位によって励起された海洋ロスビー波 \\Oceanic Rossby waves induced by the meridional shift of the ITCZ in association with the ENSO events \\(阿部泰人 \\Hiroto Abe)発表要旨 :

This study investigated the eastern Pacific Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) as an atmospheric forcing to the ocean, using various observed and reanalysis data sets over 29 years. In climatology, a zonal band of positive wind stress curls (WSCs) with a 10°meridional width was exhibited along the ITCZ. A southward shift of the positive WSC band during the El Nin~o phase, induced negative (positive) WSC anomalies (WSCAs) along the northern (southern) portion of the ITCZ, and vice versa during the La Nin~a phase. This meridional dipole accounted for more than 25% of interannual variances of the WSCAs, based on the analysis during the period from 1993 to 2008. The negative (positive) WSCAs in the northern portion of the ITCZ during the El Nin~o (La Nin~a) phase were collocated with positive (negative) sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs) that propagated westward as a Rossby wave all the way to western North Pacific. This finding indicates that this off-equatorial Rossby wave is induced by the WSCAs around the ITCZ, instead of reflection of an equatorial Kelvin wave on the eastern coastal boundary. To examine the factor in forming the off-equatorial Rossby wave, we conducted a numerical model. The 1.5-layer reduced gravity model simulated major patterns of the observed SSHAs well. While the Rossby waves emitted from the eastern coastal boundary decayed mostly until they arrived 140°W, the SSH amplitude was recovered by the wind forcing west of 140°W. Thus, the ITCZ acts as an atmospheric bridge to connect the equatorial and off-equatorial oceanic waves.


松村 義正 (Yoshimasa MATSUMURA)
mail-to: ymatsu@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp