
第 195 回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ

日 時: 7月 9日(木) 午前 09:30
場 所: 低温科学研究所 3階 講堂 Auditorium, Institute of Low Tem. Sci.

発表者:堀之内 武 \\Takeshi Horinouchi (地球環境科学研究院 Faculty of Environmental Earth Science)
題 目:自発的なハドレー循環?\\Spontaneous Hadley circulation?

発表者:Prescilla Kurien (Course in atmosphere-ocean climate dynamics DC3)
題 目:Mesoscale variability along the east coast of India in spring and fall revealed in satellite data and OGCM

発表者:正木 登 \\Noboru MASAKI (地球圏科学専攻 M2)
題 目:森林粗度層における乱流の空間スケールに関する観測的研究(修士論文所信表明)


自発的なハドレー循環?\\Spontaneous Hadley circulation? (堀之内 武 \\Takeshi Horinouchi) 発表要旨 :

 ハドレー循環は,低緯度ほど高い SST による直接循環として理解され 
 ている.その基本的な枠組みは Held and Hou (1980) により与えられ,発展 
 してきた.ところが,大気GCMによる数値実験により,SST が一様,つまり 

Mesoscale variability along the east coast of India in spring and fall revealed in satellite data and OGCM (Prescilla Kurien) 発表要旨 :

 Since mesoscale meanders have great importance in nourishing coastal 
 fisheries, satellite data analyses and a numerical modeling study were 
 carried out for the east coast of India during spring inter-monsoon 
 time (March-May), when biological productivity is high. The East India 
 Coastal Current (EICC) system appears as a northward flowing western 
 boundary current of a seasonal subtropical gyre in Bay of Bengal. A 
 relatively clear sky permits satellite remote sensing of sea surface 
 temperature and Chlorophyll-a, whose patterns were verified against 
 geostrophic velocity in altimeter data: i.e., phytoplankton grows in 
 colder and richer water bounded by the seaward meanders. Progression 
 of meanders in the EICC was revealed and compared with an 
 eddy-resolving OGCM, which is capable of modeling wind-driven general 
 circulation and the meander growth. The numerical solutions provided 
 the following results, in a reasonable agreement with the linear 
 stability theory and numerical solutions using a three layer 
 quasi-geostrophic model. Baroclinic instability plays a key role, 
 while meanders in the EICC are initiated by isolated mesoscale 
 rotations propagating westward. The baroclinically unstable meanders 
 have a wavelength of 500~700 km, grow in one month and propagate 
 downstream of the EICC at several kilometers per day. From fall to 
 winter (September-January), in which a cyclonic wind stress curl could 
 provide a coastal current and consequent meanders, no persistent 
 meander is observed in altimeter data and OGCM. Both hydrographic data 
 and OGCM proved that the southward current has a narrow (100 km) core 
 in the upper 100-m layer and prevents instability. 


堀之内 武 @北海道大学 地球環境科学研究院
mail-to: / Tel: 011-706-2366