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$BH/I=Kenneth Sassen (Professor ,University of Alaska Fairbanks)
$BBj!!L\!'(BStudying Cirrus Around the Globe Using the CALIPSO and CloudSat Satellites


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Coastal polynyas are important areas of high sea ice production and
dense water formation, and thus the accurate estimation of ice
production has a high priority. In this study, we estimate sea ice
production in Arctic coastal polynyas based on the heat flux calculation
using global objective analysis data combined with sea ice thickness
retrievals derived from satellite microwave data. The Chukchi Sea
Alaskan coastal polynya, North Water Polynya, and Northeast Water
Polynya are shown as the high ice production area in the Arctic Ocean.

Abstract: Studying Cirrus Around the Globe Using the CALIPSO and CloudSat Satellites -(Kenneth Sassen)

With the launch in April 2006 of the CloudSat (94 GHz radar) and 
CALIPSO (polarization lidar) satellites, it is now possible to 
accurately measure vertical profiles of clouds and aerosols around the 
globe. Using a combined CloudSat/CALIPSO data algorithm, the global 
distribution of cirrus clouds will be described, and in particular the 
connections between deep convection and visible and subvisual cirrus 
clouds in the tropics.


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