
     $BJ?@.(B 19 $BG/EY(B $B=$;NO@J8=j?.I=L@(B 
     ($BBg5$3$MNJ*M}3X!&5$8uNO3X%;%_%J!<(B) $B$N$*CN$i$;(B
     Master thesis proposal presentation     


 $BF|;~(B  :   6$B7n(B 14$BF|(B ($BLZ(B) $B8aA0(B 9:30 -- 12:00
 Date  :   9:30 -- 12:00 14 June

 $B>l=j(B  :  $B4D6-2J3X1!(B 2$B3,9VF2(B
 Place :  Auditorium in Environmental Science

 $B%W%m%0%i%`(B ($B0l?M$K$D$-H/I=(B15$BJ,!">ED(B $B=_Fs(B (Junji Matsuda)
      :  $B!V%*%[!<%D%/3$$NG.1v=[4D!W(B
          Thermohaline circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk

  $B43>l(B $B9/M5(B (Yasuhiro Hoshiba)
      :  $B!V3$MNCfHyNL6bB0(B(Fe,Mn)$B$NG;EYJ,I[:F8=!W(B
          Simulating dissolved Fe and Mn distributions in the global ocean 

  $B_@85(B $BM[J?(B (Yohei Hamamoto)
      :  $B!V%I%C%W%i!<%l!<%@!<5Z$S%I%C%W%i!<%i%$%@!<$GB*$($i$l$?Bg5$GHF0(B
          Analysis of atmospheric waves detected by Doppler radar and
      the Doppler lidar

  $B;3ED(B $B?8Li(B (Shinya Yamada)
      :  $B!V%*%>%s8:>/$H29<<8z2L%,%9$NA}2C$K$h$k@.AX7wBg5$NO3X>l$NJQF0!W(B
          Variation of stratospheric dynamical field due to ozone
      depletion and greenhouse gas increase 
