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Date : 9:00 -- 12:00 29 November
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Place : Auditorium in Environmental Science
presentation form : oral(9:00-10:00) & poster(10:00-12:00)
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Name Title
1 Abe Yoshiko Origin of exceptionally strong winds at Doppler radar site in Sumatra
observed in HARIMAU 2006 campaign
2 Ohtake June Possible effects of upper-tropospheric vortices on the storm track variability.
3 Sakuma Kouhei A parameterization of cumulus triggering by the subgrid-scale
orography and its impact on the large-scale circulation in an AGCM
4 Sue Yasunori Boundary current separation in a 1-1/2 layer quasigeostrophic model
5 Naito Satoshi Interannual variation of snowfall in Hokkaido
6 Hamamoto Yohei Structure and origin of the wavy radar echo pattern appeared near the
coast of the Sea of Okhotsk
7 Hoshiba Yasuhiro Simulating dissolved Fe distributions in the global ocean
8 Matsuda Junji Numerical study of thermohaline circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk
9 Miyazaki Yuhei Doppler radar observation of snow-clouds and sea-ice in the Sea of Okhotsk
10 Motoki Takuya A investigation of dehydration processes in the tropical tropopause layer
using the space-borne lidar LITE
11 Morioka Hiroshi Annual, interannual and long term variations of tropospheric ozone
in the tropics.
12 Morishima Syuta Structure of Soya Warm Current and Relation to Sea level
13 Yamada Shinya Long term variation of stratospheric dynamical field