
$BJ?@.(B 19 $BG/EY(B  M1$BO@J8>R2pH/I=2q(B 
     ($BBg5$3$MNJ*M}3X!&5$8uNO3X%;%_%J!<(B) $B$N$*CN$i$;(B

$BF|!!;~(B :12$B7n(B 20$BF|(B($BLZ(B) $B8aA0(B 9:30-15:40	
Date  :  9:30 -- 15:40 20 December
$B>l!!=j(B :$B4D6-2J3X1!(B 2$B3,(B $B9VF2(B
Place :  Auditorium in Environmental Science


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14:20-14:45 $B4d:j(B $BAo;R(B
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14:50-15:15 $B@P@n(B $BBY(B
             Kuroda, Y., and K.Kodera, 2005:
             Solar cycle modulation of the Southern Annular Mode
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             GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH$B!!(BLETTERS,VOL.33,L19701,doi:10.1029/2006GL027247.

Geophys. Res. Lett.     =Geophysical Research Letters
J. Climate             = Journal of Climate
J. Geophys. Res.       = Journal of Geophysical Research
J. Atmos. Sci.         = Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
