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$BBj!!L\!'(BEstimation of thin sea-ice thickness from NOAA AVHRR data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica$B!JElFn6K1h4_%]%j%K%d$K$*$1$k1R@1@V30%G!<%?$K$h$k3$I98|$N?dDj!K(B

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Estimation of thin sea-ice thickness from NOAA AVHRR data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica$B!JElFn6K1h4_%]%j%K%d$K$*$1$k1R@1@V30%G!<%?$K$h$k3$I98|$N?dDj!K(B ($BEDB<(B $B3Y;K(B) $BH/I=MW;](B :

 Antarctic coastal polynyas are major areas of intense 
 ocean-atmosphere heat and moisture flux, and associated high sea-ice 
 production and dense-water formation.  Their accurate detection, 
 including an estimate of thin ice thickness, is therefore very important. 
 In this study, we apply a technique originally developed in the Arctic to 
 an estimation of sea-ice thickness using NOAA AVHRR data and 
 meteorological data in the Vincennes Bay polynya off Wilkes Land, East 
 Antarctica.  The method is based upon the heat-flux calculation using 
 sea-ice surface temperature estimates from the satellite 
 thermal-infrared data combined with global objective analysis (i.e., 
 ECMWF) data.  The validity of this method is assessed by comparing 
 results with independent ice-surface temperature and ice-thickness 
 data obtained during an Australian-led research cruise to the region in 
 2003.  In thin-ice (polynya) regions, ice thicknesses estimated by the 
 heat-flux calculation using AVHRR and ECMWF data show reasonable 
 agreement with those estimated by a) applying the heat-flux calculation 
 to in-situ radiation thermometer and meteorological data and b) in-situ 
 observations.  The standard deviation of the difference between the 
 AVHRR-derived and in-situ data is about 0.02 m.  Comparison of the 
 AVHRR ice-thickness retrievals with coincident satellite 
 passive-microwave polarization ratio data confirms the potential of the 
 latter as a means of deriving maps of thin sea-ice thickness on the 
 wider scale, uninterrupted by darkness and cloud cover. 

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 $B=[4D6-3&$h$j>eN.B&$G5/$-$&$k$H$$$&$3$H<+BN$O!"(BHaidvogel et al. (1992) 
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mail-to:toyota$B!w(Blowtem.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-7431