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ȯɽ�ԡ�Roxy Mathew (Division of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences D2)
�ꡡ�ܡ�Intraseasonal variability of air sea interaction over the Indian Ocean and its influence on regional and intraseasonal variability of the Indian monsoon


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Intraseasonal variability of air sea interaction over the Indian Ocean and its influence on regional and intraseasonal variability of the Indian monsoon (Roxy Mathew) ȯɽ�׻� :

 Intraseasonal variability of air sea interaction over the Indian Ocean and 
 its influence on the regional and subseasonal variability of Indian monsoon 
 is evaluated in this study. This study shows the necessity for taking into 
 account the spatial variability of Indian monsoon and does a regional study, 
 instead of analyzing All Indian Rainfall (AIR) alone. Precipitation over the 
 Western Ghats (WG) in the southwest coast of India and the Ganges-Mahanadi 
 Basin (GB) in the northeast India are studied here as they are found to be 
 the regions of maximum precipitation with marked variability. Arabian Sea 
 and Bay of Bengal lying on the either sides of the Indian subcontinent are 
 analyzed and compared for its association with these regions of maximum 
 precipitation variability. 
 Sea surface temperature (SST), surface winds, surface latent heat flux 
 (SLHF) and outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) over the north Indian Ocean and 
 precipitation over the Indian subcontinent are analyzed to characterize the 
 intraseasonal variability during the period 1998-2002. Intraseasonal 
 variability of monsoon over WG is found to have maximum correlations with 
 intraseasonal variability of air sea interaction over Arabian Sea. 
 Meanwhile, correlation is weak between GB monsoon intraseasonal variability 
 and Bay of Bengal intraseasonal variability. Active and break phases of 
 monsoon are defined as periods of above and below normal rainfall. Composite 
 evolution of the active/break phases of precipitation over WG and GB are 
 studied with respect to air sea interaction over the Arabian Sea and Bay of 
 Bengal. Significant and contrasting roles played out by these surrounding 
 oceans over the different regions are analyzed. The study reveals that air 
 sea interaction over Arabian Sea influences both the WG and GB regions while 
 Bay of Bengal has a weak influence over the GB region. Arabian Sea acts as 
 an active moisture contributor during a WG active phase and then the 
 precipitation band moves northeastward over the Indian subcontinent and 
 combines with the convection bands from Bay of Bengal, enhancing the GB 
 active phase. We find that air sea interaction over Arabian Sea has a 
 significant role in regulating the precipitation over the Indian 
 subcontinent whereas the role of Bay of Bengal is less. 


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