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 ư��Ĵ���������ǡ�����1950ǯ����2004ǯ�ޤǤ�World Ocean Database 2001 
 �뤳�Ȥ���������� [����¾��2005ǯ���ܳ��γز�յ����]�� 

û�ȳ��Υ졼�������Ĭ�̵�Ͽ���������ٷס��������ַ�ADCP�ʤɤ��Ѥ�����ë��ή�δ�¬ (��ʥ��ľ��) ȯɽ�׻� :

 Observation of the Soya Warm Current using HF ocean radars, coastal 
 tide gauges, satellite altimeters and a bottom-mounted ADCP 
 Naoto Ebuchi 
 Structure and variations of the Soya Warm Current (SWC) are observed 
 by combining ground-based High Frequency (HF) radars, coastal tide 
 gauges, satellite altimeters, and a bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler 
 Current Profiler (ADCP). In 2003, three HF ocean radar stations were 
 installed at the Soya/La Perouse Strait in the Sea of Okhotsk in order 
 to monitor the SWC. The radar covers a range of approximately 70 km 
 from the coast with a spatial resolution of 3 km and temporal interval 
 of one hour. It was shown that the HF radars clearly capture seasonal 
 and short-term variations of the SWC. The velocity of SWC reaches its 
 maximum, which is approximately 1 m/s, in summer, and weakens in 
 winter. The velocity core is located 20 to 30 km from the coast, and 
 its width is approximately 40 km. The surface transport by the SWC 
 shows a significant correlation with the sea level difference along 
 the strait, as derived from coastal tide gauge records at Wakkanai and 
 Abashiri. The driving mechanism of the SWC is discussed by combining 
 the HF radar observations with variations of sea level difference 
 along and across the current derived from tide gauge records and 
 satellite altimetry data.  Vertical structure of the SWC and its 
 seasonal variations are revealed by an observation for one year off 
 Hamatombetsu using a bottom- mounted ADCP. 


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mail-to:mizuta@ees.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-2357