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ȯɽ�ԡ�ƣ�� ���� ���� (�˰��絤���γعֺ� )
�ꡡ�ܡ�Strong coupling (?) among lower atmosphre-ocean-aerosol-cloud in the Arctic Ocean

ȯɽ�ԡ��� ���� (������ǥ�󥰹ֺ�)


Strong coupling (?) among lower atmosphre-ocean-aerosol-cloud in the Arctic Ocean (ƣ�� ���� ����) ȯɽ�׻� :

 The horizontal extent of sea-ice is decreasing in the Arctic Ocean. In 
 contrast to tropical region, the low-level cloud is predominant and 
 plays an essential role in the radiative heat balance in the Arctic 
 region. Some researchers suggest that increasing low-level cloud cover 
 and resulted increasing longwave radiation would accelerate the 
 melting of sea-ice.  Before discussing the strong coupling among the 
 sea ice, the albedo, and the clouds (termed ice-albedo and 
 cloud-radiation feedback), we have to know how sea surface conditions 
 (SST, wind speed, salinity) affect the number density of CCN, because 
 optical properties of low-level cloud are controlled by CCN in the 
 boundary layer. Many researchers measured the size distribution and 
 chemical components of aerosols in the Arctic region. Most of them 
 discussed the source of aerosols by using trajectory analysis, and 
 never discussed the mesoscale inhomogeneity of horizontal and vertical 
 distribution of aerosols in t he Arctic Ocean. By making use of the 
 Arctic cruises of R/V MIRAI (2002 and 2004), we tried to study strong 
 coupling among air-ocean-aerosol-cloud in the Arctic Ocean.   

�ߵ���Ǯ������ʿ�������Υ�����˾��ˤĤ��� (�� ����) ȯɽ�׻� :

 ��Ǯ��������ʿ�ΰ�Ǥ��ߵ���235 �ɥ֥���ñ�̡�DU�˰ʲ��θ����ʥ������ 
 ������¬���졢û�����֡ʿ�������1��2���֡ˤǤϻ���200 DU�ʲ��ζ�ü�˾� 
 ��˾��ϼ�����ط��˸��������ꡢ10-15 hPa ���濴�Ȥ����������ط��� 
 40-60 hPa ���濴�Ȥ����������ط��Σ��Ĥζ˾��ؤ������뤳�Ȥ��狼�ä��� 
 ���Υ�����������(26��12��N, 127��41��E)�Υ����󥾥�Ǵ�¬�ȥ�ǥ��Ĵ 
 ������40-60 hPa�濴�Ȥ����������ط��Ǥϥ������Ѳ���QBO�Ȥδط�����Ϥ� 


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mail-to:kawasima@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-6885