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ȯɽ�ԡ�Vinu K V (������ǥ�󥰹ֺ� D2)
�ꡡ�ܡ�A study on the Drought Condition of 2002 Indian Summer Monsoon

ȯɽ�ԡ����� ���� (��۴��ϳعֺ� ����)
�ꡡ�ܡ�Structure of the Circulation Induced by a Shoaling Topographic Wave


A study on the Drought Condition of 2002 Indian Summer Monsoon (Vinu K V) ȯɽ�׻� :

 2002 Indian Summer Monsoon is characterised by its extended drought 
 during July. The climate model fails to predict this unusual drought 
 event, not only catching the unprecedented media attention, but also 
 putting a challenge with a case difficult to predict. Moisture 
 convergence and availability from the ocean over the Arabian Sea are 
 studied with a focus on its role in the drought condition of 2002 summer 
 monsoon, and results are compared with the other years. Low level 
 moisture over the Arabian Sea anomalously diverges through out the 
 monsoon season, with a special characteristic in July 2002, while 
 sustained and organized moisture convergence is an indication of a good 
 rainfall. Moisture convergence (divergence) over the Arabian Sea is 
 highly correlated with the rainfall. Inter-annual variability of 
 wind-induced moisture convergence (divergence) dominates in total 
 horizontal moisture convergence (divergence) over moisture advection. 
 	Moisture supply from the Arabian Sea during May and June 2002 was 
 higher compared to that of the other drought years since 1972, however 
 the drought condition rapidly developed in July. Anomalous divergence of 
 wind over the Arabian Sea is found in July 2002, which led to a decrease 
 in surface wind and shallowing moisture transport across the western 
 coast of India. This divergence seems to be the special event which took 
 place in the 2002 summer monsoon and was in coherent with the reduction 
 in rainfall, and it is proposed as a consequential event of the reversal 
 of the Hadley cell over the tropical Indian Ocean. The study reveals out 
 that, the drought conditions over the Arabian Seas of 2002 is odd one 
 from other drought years since 1972. In addition to that, a positive 
 feedback between the air sea coupling over the Arabian Sea is found on 
 the earlier stages of this drastic drought, which sheds light into the 
 probable failure of the climate models in forecasting this extreme 

Structure of the Circulation Induced by a Shoaling Topographic Wave (���� ����) ȯɽ�׻� :

 ����ˡ��Ϸ�����ư��ʿ��ή�ˤ��Doppler shift������� 
 ʿ��ή��ή�̤��Ϸ�����ư�ο����� 2 cm/s�ΤȤ� 
 20 Sv�Ȥʤ롣����ή�̤���ή��κƽ۴Ĥ��ͤ˶ᤤ�� 


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mail-to:kawasima@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-6885