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ȯɽ�ԡ�ƣ�� ���� (�˰��絤���γعֺ� ����)

ȯɽ�ԡ�Wang Yafei (Professor, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
�ꡡ�ܡ�The Interaction of the Two Different Propagation Direction of the Planetary Wave:
A Possible Cause of the Anomalous Southern Location of the Western Subtropical High in Boreal Summer of 1998


�̶˰�α��ʳءʤ��Σ������׾Ҳ�� (ƣ�� ����) ȯɽ�׻� :


The Interaction of the Two Different Propagation Direction of the Planetary Wave:
A Possible Cause of the Anomalous Southern Location of the Western Subtropical High
in Boreal Summer of 1998 (Wang Yafei ) ȯɽ�׻� :

 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 100081, Beijing, China  
 This study discussed the two teleconnection patterns and their
related wave train propagations which often occur in East Asian 
summer.  One is the wave train propagation originated from the Lake 
of Baikal, passing the Okhotsk Sea through the sea area east of Japan 
towards subtropical regions (here after WFP) as pointed out by 
Wang (1992), the other arise from the Philippines via the sea area 
east of Japan to North America (here after NTP) as shown by Nitta
(1987) and Kurihara and Tsuyuki (1987).  Current results are as
follows: (1) Although WFP tends to occur in early summer, and NTP 
in late summer, they are sometimes generated simultaneously. (2) WFP 
propagation is apt to occur with the development of the Okhotsk High, 
but difficultly occur in opposite situation.  One the other hand, the 
Rossby wave starting from Philippines towards North Pole could
strongly propagate in both phase.  It is excited not only by the 
convective activity around the Philippines as shown by Nitta (1987), 
but also propagates with the opposite phase that may be generated by 
other exciting process.  In latter situation, the negative
geopotential height anomaly over sea area east of Japan may be formed 
with the Rossby wave propagation.  (3) The resonance will sometimes 
happen when WYP meet the NTP with the opposite phase of the P-J
pattern over the sea area east of Japan.  This resonance may result 
in a cyclonic circulation deepened in situ.  This kind of interaction 
between the two waves is one of the important reasons why the west
pacific subtropical high could keep its main body in further southern 
area than usual in 1998 summer.    


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