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$BH/I=Sergey V.Gladyshev (Pacific Oceanographic Institute, $B8=:_!"Dc292J3X8&5f=j(BCOE$B309q8&5f0w(B)
$BBj!!L\!'(BInterannual variability of dense water production in

$BH/I=$BBg66(B $B9/><(B ($B5$8u%b%G%j%s%09V:B(BD2)


Interannual variability of dense water production in (Sergey V.Gladyshev) $BH/I=MW;]!'(B

    Data of 1996 and 1997 CTD surveys were used to estimate interannual 
 variability of brine water production in the northern Okhotsk Sea 
 polynyas. Annual removal rate of this water from the northern shelf 
 was also defined. Possible influence of ice production in polynyas on 
 the seasonal ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk and renewal rate of the 
 Okhotsk Sea Mode Water are discussed.    
    The general conclusions are: a)formation of high-dense water in 
 polynyas decreased in nineties; b) north-western shelf and Gizhiga 
 (Shelikhov Bay) polynyas are the main contributors to the high-dense 
 water production and dense water originated from the north-western 
 shelf polynya ventilates intermediate water of the Deryugin Basin as 
 well as dense water from Shelikhov Bay directly ventilates 
 intermediate water in the Tinro Deep. These results will be used to 
 calibrate Cavalieri and Martin (1994) model of dense water production 
 in the Okhotsk Sea. 

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$B?eED(B $B85B@(B $B!wKL3$F;Bg3XBg3X1!CO5e4D6-2J3X8&5f2J(B
mail-to:mizuta@ees.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-2359