E. Becker, M. Schlutow, H. Koernich, and B. Wolf

Representation of transport and orographic gravity waves in a mechanistic climate model

We introduce a new mechanistic climate model from the surface to the lower thermosphere and present a few examples that may be useful for the S-RIP when using the model in nudged mode.

The model is based on a standard spectral dynamical core, but includes a new tracer transport scheme. The main ideas are 1) using a new monotonic function of the tracer as prognostic variable to ensure positive definite concentrations, and 2) defining the mass correction as a horizontally uniform multiplication of the tracer in grid space, giving rise to corrections of the zero-wavenumber spectral components at each layer. The mass correction is generalized to include also physical sources and sinks, allowing to include an energy preserving water vapor cycle. Idealized age tracer simulations show an increase of age of air with increasing vertical Schmidt number. This effect can be shown to result from decreased vertical mixing in the troposphere.

The model furthermore utilizes an idealized radiative transfer scheme and includes the full surface budget by means of a swamp ocean model with prescribed lateral heat-flux convergence. Since all components of the model are energy conserving by definition, including the parameterizations of gravity waves and turbulence, the radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere is equilibrated independently from tuning (Knoepfel and Becker, 2001, JQSRT).

The classical McFarlane-scheme for orographic gravity waves is extended to ensure consistent scale interaction with the vertical diffusion. This follows the idea of Becker and McLandress (2009, JAS) to modify the Doppler-spread parameterization of non-orographic gravity waves, which is included as well. We find that the circulation in the middle atmosphere is quite sensitive to the details of the orographic gravity-wave scheme. In particular, applying the vertical diffusion induced by orographic gravity waves to the resolved flow, and to the parameterized non-orographic gravity waves as well, results in a stronger polar night jet during NH winter and a corresponding global response of the Interhemispheric Coupling.

In the future, the model may be used in nudged mode in order to study the sensitivity of the simulated tracer transport/mixing and the middle atmospheric circulation to 1) the nudged scales and 2) the model resolution (including very high resolution with resolved non-orographic gravity waves). Such experiments may help to assess the scales down to which the respective reanalysis is dynamically consistent with free running models.