Direct Links to Monthly-mean Reanalysis Data

ERA-Interim ( click for "Low" resolution; click for "Full" resolution; )
Period: January 1979 - present
Format: GRIB or netCDF
Note: One time registration is necessary.
Note: ECMWF data FAQ answers many of your questions.
References: Dee et al. 2011

ERA-40 (click)
Period: September 1957 - August 2002
Format: GRIB or netCDF
Note: One time registration is necessary.
Note: ECMWF data FAQ answers many of your questions.
References: Uppala et al. 2005

JRA-55 (click)
Period: January 1958 - present
Format: GRIB
Note: Registration (to get ID and password) is necessary to download data.
Note: Monthly data are now available (October 2013). JRA-55 data will be also available from other, non-JMA websites. See the release schedule at the JRA-55 website for further details.
References: Ebita et al. 2011

JRA-25/JCDAS (click)
Period: January 1979 - December 2013(?)
Format: GRIB (or 4-byte big_endian for Monthly Means)
Note: Registration (to get ID and password) is necessary to download data.
Note: The distribution of the JRA-25/JCDAS data (from the JMA site) will be terminated at the end of February 2014. But, JRA-25/JCDAS data will still be available through NCAR's Research Data Archive.
References: Onogi et al. 2007; see also Ebita et al. 2011

MERRA (click)
(after "click", select the data product (e.g., "Monthly DAS 3d analyzed state on pressure (instM_3d_ana_Np)"); then select "Spatial Search", "Temporal Order Option", "Parameters", etc.; click "Start Search" to create a wget-list file; download the wget-list file (click "the list of URLs"); and run wget command on your computer by following the instruction.)
Period: January 1979 - present
Format: HDF or netCDF
Note: Longitude is from -180 through 0 to +180 degree, and latitude is from -90 through 0 to +90 degree.
Note: MERRA netCDF files do not contain the unit information. See File Specification documents for the unit and other detailed information.
References: Rienecker et al. 2011

NCEP CFSR (click)
Period: January 1979 - December 2009
Format: GRIB2 (netCDF at
Note: Data files are archived monthly under (e.g.,*.*). One way is to write a "shell script" to "wget" the interested files.
Note: pgbhnl files for 0.5x0.5 deg., and pgblnl files for 2.5x2.5 deg.
(If you cannot find the "aggregation" files for the parameters such as "prate" or "ulwtoa" at the above NOMADS site, go to the UCAR site at
References: Saha et al. 2010; Saha et al. 2010 supplement

NCEP/DOE AMIP-II (R2) (click)
Period: January 1979 - present
Format: netCDF
References: Kanamitsu et al. 2002

NCEP/NCAR (R1) (click)
Period: January 1948 - present
Format: netCDF
References: Kalnay et al. 1996; Kistler et al. 2001; see also references for R2 and CFSR

NOAA-CIRES 20CR (click)
Period: January 1871 - December 2010 (for Version 2) (1908-1958 for Version 1)
Format: netCDF
References: Compo et al. 2011

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