
第 368 回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ

日 時: 4月 13日(木) 午前 09:30 - 11:00
Date : Thu., 13 Apr. 09:30 - 11:00
場所 :環境科学院 2階 講堂
Place:Env. Sci. Bldg. D201

Speaker:Matthew Corkill (Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Australia/ PhD Candidate)
Title:Resolving key iron processes in Antarctic sea ice ­


Resolving key iron processes in Antarctic sea ice
Matthew Corkill (Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Australia/ PhD Candidate)

Around Antarctica, melting sea ice seasonally constitutes the dominant and most widespread source of iron in the sea-ice zone and therefore could play a key role in drawing down atmospheric carbon dioxide levels through the stimulation of primary production. Sea ice can accumulate particulate iron from dust, nearby sediment, possibly ice shelves, scavenging of other particles including phytoplankton from the surface water, and incorporation of ice algae growing in the bottom of sea ice. Post-incorporation, the distribution of iron in sea ice changes over time due to brine movement within and expulsion from sea ice which differs with ice types. The average sea-ice extent around Antarctica, which should correspond with the amount and/or type of sea ice, is changing, with a record high and low since 1979 within the past decade. Thus, iron processes in the sea ice including those related to brine movement, release of iron-bearing particles, as well as fine-scale processes we have yet to resolve with in situ measurements may be affected. I will discuss three chapters of my PhD which focus on these processes. Firstly, physical and biogeochemical properties of Antarctic sea ice in summer, focused on movement of material within the ice and accompanying a separate study of the iron. Secondly, solubility of iron-bearing particles from Antarctic sources, including particles from sea ice. Thirdly, and the focus of my work here at ILTS, we developed a sea-ice melt probe that bores into sea ice and collects high-resolution samples for parameters including iron without extracting and cutting cores. I will present some preliminary results from our melt-probe experiments in this seminar.


水田 元太
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