
第349回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ

日 時:7月 15日 (木) 10:30 - 12:00
Date :Thu., 15 July 10:30 - 12:00
ツール:Zoom (Online)
Tool :Zoom (Online)

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発表者:高橋葉仁衣 (米国カリフォルニア大学ロサンジェルス校/ NASA ジェット推進研究所)
Speaker:Hanii Takahashi (UCLA/JPL NASA)
Title :The land-ocean differences in convective cloud characteristics: new perspectives based on CloudSat/A-Train observations


The land-ocean differences in convective cloud characteristics: new perspectives based on CloudSat/A-Train observations
高橋葉仁衣(Hanii Takahashi)

Convection is a key component of Earth’s climate system, causing complex couplings among radiative, thermodynamic, and dynamic processes of the system. Properly modeling and representing convection has long been a central task of weather and climate models. Among various processes associated with convection, entrainment of the ambient air plays a critical role as it dilutes the strength of vertical transport by convection. For over half a century, an inverse relationship between entrainment rate () and convective core size (R) has been used in modeling convective clouds. The purpose of this study is to revisit the relation using multiple years of CloudSat observations. Our results show that the inverse relationship is robust. Now, through the series of publications by the presenter, a coherent picture emerges revealing a distinct land-ocean contrast in convective cloud characteristics: continental convective clouds tend to have wider, stronger, and less diluted convective cores, as well as higher convective detrainment levels, enabling more efficient convective vertical transport of cloud material to higher levels compared to oceanic convective clouds. These results have important implications for understanding how the characteristics of convective clouds and the mechanisms of convective processes over land and ocean are fundamentally different from each other in nature. Studying these differences in convective cloud characteristics and investigating the fundamental processes behind them with convective evolution in mind will not only help us better understand atmospheric moist convection as a science subject, but also lead to development of methods and metrics for evaluating cloud-scale and global models in simulation of convection. Biography: Hanii Takahashi is an assistant researcher with UCLA, located at JPL and affiliated with the Aerosol and Cloud Science group. She obtained a Doctoral Degree in Earth and Environmental Science at CUNY, in 2013. Her primary research interest is convective dynamics in tropical deep convective clouds and warm rain formation processes in low liquid clouds. She is also interested in the study of evolution in clouds and precipitation.


安成 哲平
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