
第347回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ

日 時:5月13日 (木) 10:30 - 12:00
Date :Thu., 13 May 10:30 - 12:00
ツール:Zoom (Online)
Tool :Zoom (Online)

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発表者:周 宏瑋(大気海洋物理学・気候力学コース/D3)
Speaker:CHOU Hung-Wei (Faculty of Environmental Earth Science/D3)
Title :Discussion of possible tidal impacts on heat intrusion towards the Totten Ice Shelf by numerical simulation


Discussion of possible tidal impacts on heat intrusion towards the Totten Ice Shelf by numerical simulation
周 宏瑋 (CHOU Hung-Wei)

The Totten Ice Shelf (TIS) suffers rapid basal melting in the East Antarctic coast caused by warm modified Circumpolar Deep Water (mCDW) intrusion through the continental slope. Previous studies indicate that the Antarctic Slope Current (ASC), which is partially associated with the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF) with strong potential vorticity (PV) gradient, blocks the mCDW intrusion efficiently. However, because of lacking sufficient observations, the mesoscale variability across the shelf break, especially the tidal currents, is waiting to be revealed for further mCDW intrusion rate evaluation. In this study, we preliminary identify the tidal influences on the mCDW intrusion across the TIS shelf break in high-resolution regional ocean models by MITgcm. By comparing 20 years wind-driven only model (non-tidal case) and the tidal boundary condition added model (tidal case) outputs, the TIS is warmer in the tidal case associated with warmer but PV lowered ASC in isopycnal layers 1027.70~1027.78 kg/m3. The 1.5 hours snapshots exhibit tidally-generated topographic trapped waves propagating along with the shelf break. We hypothesize that the tidally-generated trapped waves on the shelf break diffuses the water through two sides of the slope by mesoscale variabilities and further meditate the shelf break's PV barrier to the mCDW intrusion. In the end, we would like to discuss the model validation and numerical chaos issues of this study.


安成 哲平
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