
第 265回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ

日 時: 1月 15日(木) 午前 09:30
場 所: 低温科学研究所  3階 講堂

Takahito Kataoka (Graduate school of Science, The University of Tokyo/DC3)
題名: ニンガルー・ニーニョに関する研究
A Study on Ningaloo Nino

発表者: 松村義正(低温科学研究所/助教)
Yoshimasa Matsumura(Institute of Low Temperature Science/Assistant Professor)
題名: 粒子追跡による混相流モデルの開発
Modeling oceanic multiphase flow by using Lagrangian particle tracking


ニンガルー・ニーニョに関する研究(A Study on Ningaloo Nino) (片岡崇人 Takahito Kataoka)発表要旨:

Sea surface temperature (SST) along the west coast of Australia undergoes large interannual variations. After unprecedented SST warming in austral summer of 2010/11, the phenomenon was named “Ningaloo Nino”. Although this phenomenon has devastating impacts on the regional marine ecosystem, studies on Ningaloo Nino have just begun and there is no systematic understanding of its mechanism. This study is devoted to quantitative understanding of generation and decay mechanisms of Ningaloo Nino. From observational data analysis, it is found that Ningaloo Nino, which is associated with positive SST anomalies and atmospheric anomalies off Western Australia, reaches its peak during austral summer. Ningaloo Nino events are classified into locally amplified and non-locally amplified cases. The former develops through an intrinsic unstable ocean-atmosphere interaction off Western Australia. Anomalously warm SSTs generate negative sea level pressure (SLP) anomalies that accompany northerly alongshore wind anomalies. These cause anomalous coastal downwelling and stronger southward warm advection, further enhancing the initial SST anomalies. This positive feedback loop is named as the coastal Bjerknes feedback. For the latter case, positive SST anomalies are induced by coastally-trapped downwelling waves, which are generated by wind anomalies in the western Pacific associated with La Nina, or alongshore wind anomalies in the northern coast of Australia. Warmer SSTs in both cases are associated with negative SLP anomalies off Western Australia. The SLP anomalies in the locally amplified case show a cell-like pattern and have a sharp cross-shore pressure gradient along the west coast of Australia. On the other hand, those in the non-locally amplified case tend to show a zonally elongated pattern. The difference is related to the continental SLP modulated by the Australian summer monsoon. It is also suggested that the Ningaloo Nino has significant impacts on the precipitation over Australia. Since negative SLP anomalies off Western Australia are crucial for the Ningaloo Nino development, a series of an atmospheric general circulation model experiments are conducted to investigate the generation mechanisms of atmospheric circulation anomalies accompanied by Ningaloo Nino. Even when interannual SST anomalies are imposed only in the eastern South Indian Ocean, negative SLP anomalies are formed off Western Australia in Ningaloo Nino years, supporting the existence of the local ocean-atmosphere interaction. Negative SLP anomalies are also generated in Ningaloo Nino years owing to a Matsuno-Gill type response to diabatic heating anomalies in the western tropical Pacific when the model is forced with SST anomalies outside of the southeastern Indian Ocean. Regarding climatic impacts, it is found that even when SST anomalies outside of the eastern South Indian Ocean are removed, wet conditions are induced over the northwestern part of Australia associated with Ningaloo Nino. Finally, to check whether Ningaloo Nino can develop independent of ENSO, a coupled model experiment in which SSTs in the tropical Pacific and maritime continent are strongly relaxed to their daily climatology to suppress ENSO is conducted. It is shown that Ningaloo Nino/Nina develops with the similar magnitude without ENSO through an intrinsic ocean-atmosphere interaction off Western Australia.

粒子追跡による混相流モデルの開発 (松村義正 Yoshimasa Matsumura) 発表要旨:

海水の密度は水深が同じであれば基本的に水温と塩分によって定まるが, 例えば海底の堆積物がまき上げられ海水中に懸濁粒子が多数存在する場合 は海水の見かけの密度が大きくなる。 同様に気泡や氷晶のような海水より 密度の軽い物質が海水中に漂っている場合は見かけの密度が軽くなる。 このような液相中に固相や気相が含まれる流れを混相流と呼ぶ。このよう な海洋における混相流では、連続相である海水に対して固相や気相の懸濁 粒子や氷晶・気泡 (以後分散相と呼ぶ) の占める割合が小さいため,数値 モデルにおいてはこれらは塩分等の溶存物質と同様の格子平均したトレー サー濃度として表現されることが多い。 ただし懸濁粒子や気泡・氷晶は海水の流れとは独立に沈降・浮上し得る という点で溶存物質とは本質的に振舞いが異なる。さらにその沈降・浮上 速度が個々の粒子の形状等に依存するため, 上記のような格子平均された トレーサー濃度による表現には限界がある。また海水と異なる密度の分散 相が局所的に集積すると強い鉛直加速度を生じさせるので, 静力学仮定を 破る可能性がある。そこで我々が開発している非静力学海洋モデル kinaco にオンラインの粒子追跡法を組み込み, 海洋中の分散質の振舞いを Lagrangian 粒子として扱うことのできる数値モデルを新たに開発した。 分散質の力学的・熱力学的な振舞いを粒子追跡によってLagrange的に扱う には、膨大の数の粒子を同時に扱う必要があるが、データ構造を工夫する ことでこれを可能とした。 本セミナーではモデルの定式や導入した仮定、高速化の工夫等を解説し、 本モデルでの混相流の扱いの妥当性を議論したい。また開発したモデルを 用いて行ったグリースアイスおよびハイパーピクナル流に関する理想化実験 を紹介する。


水田 元太 (Genta Mizuta)
mail-to: mizuta@ees.hokudai.ac.jp