
第 219回 大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー のおしらせ

日 時: 6月 30日(木) 午前 09:30
場 所: 環境科学院 D棟2階 D201号室

発表者: ヤッカラ ヤグネッシュ ラガヴァ (地球圏科学専攻 大気海洋物理学・気候力学コース/D3)
\\Yakkala Yagnesh Raghava (Course in atmosphere-ocean climate dynamics/DC3)
題 目: The formation mechanism of a thick snow band over the Sea of Okhotsk


The formation mechanism of a thick snow band over the Sea of Okhotsk \\ (ヤッカラ ヤグネッシュ ラガヴァ\\Yakkala Yagnesh Raghava) 発表要旨 :

During cold-air outbreaks in the East Asian winter-monsoon season, a thick snow band frequently appears over the Sea of Okhotsk along the north face of Hokkaido Island and causes heavy snowfall locally. The Weather Research & Forecast Model(WRF), a non-hydrostatic model has been used to perform numerical simulations with high-resolution to investigate the underlying mechanism of the formation and evolution of snow bands. The simulations were able to reproduce the cloud bands captured in satellite images. The results showed that north westerly winds blowing from the northern Sea of Japan underwent a topographical effect over Hokkaido and Sakhalin Islands and formed a convergence zone over the Sea of Okhotsk extending from the cleft between the two islands. The thick snow band formed as the prevailing relatively-warm northwesterly was uplifted along the convergence zone. Sensitivity simulations revealed that topographical effects are rather minimal with the comparison of land sea temperature differences. It has been found that low level wind flow across the coast due to the land sea temperature contrast has been responsible for the formation of the cloud band.


豊田 威信 (Takenobu Toyota)
mail-to: toyota@ees.hokudai.ac.jp