
平成 19 年度  M1論文紹介発表会 
     (大気海洋物理学・気候力学セミナー) のお知らせ

日 時 :12月 20日(木) 午前 9:30-15:40	
Date  :  9:30 -- 15:40 20 December
場 所 :環境科学院 2階 講堂
Place :  Auditorium in Environmental Science


発表方法: 発表は17分, 質疑応答8分とします.
発表順: 以下の通り.

 9:30-9:55 安井 壮一郎
	   Shozo Yamane and Shigeo Yoden, 1998:
           Low-Frequency Variations and Optimal Excitation 
           in a Simple Barotropic Model with Zonal Asymmetry.
           Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 76 (4) ,561-580

 9:55-10:20 山村 育代
            Kozu, T., K.K.Reddy, S. Mori, M. Thurai, J. T. Ong, D. N. Rao, and T. Shimomai, 2006:
            Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Raindrop Size Distribution
            in Asian Monsoon Region.
            J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 84A, 195-209             

10:20-10:45 小橋川 豊 
	    K. Sudo and H. Akimoto, 2007:
            Global source attribution of tropospheric ozone:
            Long-range transport from various source regions.
            JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESERCH, VOL. 112, D12302, doi:10.1029/2006JD007992

10:45-10:50          休 憩(5分間)

10:50-11:15 嶋田 宇大
             Yanase, w., and H. Niino, 2007:
             Dependence of Polar Low Development on Baroclinicity and Physical Processes: 
             An Idealized High-Resolution Numerical Experiment. 
             /J. Atmos. Sci./, 64, 3044-3067.

11:15-11:40 兼成 智久
             Spall, M. A., 2007:
             Midlatitude Wind Stress-Sea Surface Temperature Coupling
             in the Vicinity of Oceanic Fronts.
             J. Climate, 20, 3785-3801.

13:30-13:55 土門 優介
            Fueglistaler, S., M. Bonazzola, P. H. Haynes,T. Peter, 2005:
            Stratospheric water vapor predicted from the Lagrangian temperature
            history of air entering the stratosphere in the tropics.
            J. Geophys. Res., 110, D08107, doi:10.1029/2004JD005516.

13:55-14:20 西村 隆
             Wakamatsu, S., I. Uno, T. Ohara, K. L. Schere, 1999:
             A study of the relationship between photochemical ozone 
             and its precursor emissions of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons 
             in Tokyo and surrounding areas.   
             Atmospheric Environment., 33(19), 3097-3108.

14:20-14:45 岩崎 聡子
             Schubert, S. D., M. J. Suarez, P. J. Pegion, M. A. Kistler, and A. Kumer, 2002:
             Predictability of zonal means during boreal summer.
             J. Climate, 15, 420-434.

14:45-14:50  休 憩(5分間)

14:50-15:15 石川 泰
             Kuroda, Y., and K.Kodera, 2005:
             Solar cycle modulation of the Southern Annular Mode
             Geophys. Res. Lett, 32,L13802, doi:10.1029/2005GL022516. 

15:15-15:40 関家 麻矢
             John C.Fyfe,1996:
             Southern Ocean warming due to human influence:
             GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS,VOL.33,L19701,doi:10.1029/2006GL027247.

Geophys. Res. Lett.     =Geophysical Research Letters
J. Climate             = Journal of Climate
J. Geophys. Res.       = Journal of Geophysical Research
J. Atmos. Sci.         = Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

	1/24 発表者 川口・渡部


深町 康 @北海道大学低温科学研究所
             寒冷海洋圏科学部門  海洋動態分野
mail-to: yasuf@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-7432