            地球環境科学研究科 大気海洋圏環境科学専攻 物理系
	            2002年 M1論文紹介のお知らせ
	    日時 : 12 月 20 日 (金)
            場所 : 地球環境研究科 管理棟 2階講堂
	    発表方法 : 発表は17分, 質疑応答8分とします.
  	    発表順 : 以下の通り.

 9:15-9:40 青谷 慶(大循環力学)
Winston C.Chao , Baode Chen, 2001:
The Origin of Monsoons
J. Atmos. sci., 58, 3497-3507

 9:40-10:05 津村 知彦(気候モデリング)
Paul,J.Neiman and M.A.Shapiro, 1993:
The Life Cycle of an Extratropical Cyclon.
Part I: Frontal-Cyclone Evolution and Thermodynamic Air-Sea Interaction
Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 2153-2176

 10:05-10:30 高辻 慎也(極域大気海洋学)
P. Wadhams, J. C. Comiso, E. Prussen, S. Wells,
M. Brandon, E. Aldworth, T. Viehoff, R. Allegrino, and D. R. Crane, 1996:
The development of the Odden ice tongue in the Greenland Sea 
during winter 1993 from remote sensing and field observations
J. Geophys. Res., 101(C8), 18,213-18,235

 10:30-10:55 梶谷 卓志(大循環力学)
Bin Wang and Johnny C.L.Chan, 2002:
How Strong ENSO Events Affect Tropical Storm Activity 
over the Western North Pacific.
J. Climate, 15, 1643-1658.

	--- 休憩 ---

 11:10-11:35 間々田 知之(気候モデリング)
Eric Deweaver and Sumant Nigam, 2002:
Do Stationary Waves Drive the Zonal-Mean Jet Anomalies of 
the Northern Winter?
J. Climate, 13, 2160-2176

 11:35-12:00 向井 祐ニ(極域大気海洋学)
Thorndike,A.S. and R.Colony, 1982:
Sea Ice Motion in Response to Geostrophic Winds.
J. Geophys. Res., 87, C8, 5845-5852 

 12:00-12:25 窪瀬 健太郎(大循環力学)
Richard S. Lindzen, Ming-Dah Chou, and Arthur Y. Hou, 2001:
Does the Earth Have an Adaptive Infrared Iris ?
Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 82, 417-432

	--- 昼休み ---

 13:30-13:55 石崎 安洋(気候モデリング)
G.Hoffmann, M.Werner, M.Heimann, 1998: 
Water isotope module of the ECHAM atomosheric general circulation model
J. Geophys. Res., 103, 16,871-16,896

 13:55-14:20 豊田 進介(極域大気海洋学)
Jurgen Fischer and Friedrich A.Schott, 2002:
Labrador Sea Water Tracked by Profiling Floats-From the Boundary Current 
into the Open North Atlantic
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 573-584

 14:20-14:45 森 正人(大循環力学)
Ngar-Cheung Lau., Eero O.Holopainen, 1983:
Transient Eddy Forcing of the Time-Mean Flow
 as Identified by Geopotential Tendencies.
J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 313-328

 14:45-15:10 中山 拓哉(気候モデリング)
H.Douville and J.-F.Royer, 1995:
Influence of the temperate and boreal forests 
on the Nothern Hemisphere climate in the Meteo-France climate model
Climate Dynamics, 13, 57-74.

	--- 休憩 ---

 15:25-15:50 粕谷 英行(極域大気海洋学)
Robert P.Fleishauer, Vincent E.Larson, and Thomas H.Vonder Haar, 2002:
Observed Microphysical Structure of Midlevel,Mixed-Phase Clouds
J. Atoms. Sci., 59, 1779-1804.

 15:50-16:15 三角 和弘(気候モデリング)
R. Zhang, M.J.Follows, J.P.Grotzinger, and J.Marshall, 2001:
Could the Late Permian deep ocean have been anoxic?
Paleoceanography, 3, 317-329

 16:15-16:40 吉田 一穂(極域大気海洋学)
James O. Pinto, 1998:
Autumnal Mixed-Phase Cloudy Boundary Layers in the Arctic
J. Atmos. Sci., 35, 2016-2038

J. Climate             = Journal of Climate
J. Geophys. Res.       = Journal of Geophysical Research
J. Phys. Oceanogr.     = Journal of Physical Oceanography
J. Atmos. Sci.         = Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Mon. Wea. Rev.         = Monthly Weather Review
Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc. = Bulletin of American Meteorological Society
