
第 103 回 大気海洋圏物理系セミナー のおしらせ

日 時:11月 15日(木) 午前 9:30
場 所:低温研新棟 3階講堂

発表者:松村 伸治 (気候モデリング講座 D2)
題 目:Arctic and Antarctic Oscillations in a 20-member ensemble simulation

発表者:岡田 直資 (気候モデリング講座 D3)
題 目:部分的に海氷に覆われた海域における対流の数値実験


Arctic and Antarctic Oscillations in a 20-member ensemble simulation (松村 伸治) 発表要旨 :

  A 20-member simulation has been conducted with the CCSR/NIES  
 atmospheric GCM(AGCM) to investigate the time-space characteristics  
 of the Arctic and Antarctic Oscillations(AO and AAO, respectively).  
 Each of the 20 AGCM integrations is forced by the identical global SST  
 and sea ice history observed for 1959-1998, and differs only in the  
 initial conditions. Our analysis focuses on the boreal winter season.  
  AO and AAO appear as the first EOF modes of the ensemble-mean variability  
 and resemble very much their observed counterparts.  
 In the Northern Hemisphere, the ensemble mean reproduces reasonably well the  
 quasi-decadal oscillation that was particularly pronounced in the AO time series  
 for the recent three decades. In the Southern Hemisphere, the ensemble-mean  
 AAO time series is correlated with the equatorial Pacific ENSO.  
  Recent empirical studies raise a question of whether the AO is a true mode  
 of climate variability or an artifact of EOF analysis. At issue is the  
 correlation among AO's three centers of action. Our analysis shows that   
 variability in these three centers of action is highly correlated with  
 in the ensemble mean, indicating that the AO is indeed a SST-forced response.  
 The correlation for the ensemble mean is particularly larger than it in all but  
 one ensemble members in Pacific, suggesting that the formation of   
 the spatial pattern of the AO is strengthed to give SST-forcing  
 which is influenced significantly in Pacific. 

部分的に海氷に覆われた海域における対流の数値実験 (岡田 直資) 発表要旨 :

 によってその構造が異なることが予想される。本研究では、非静水圧 3次元モ 
 浮力フラックスを加える円盤状の領域の半径を R、モデル領域の深さを H と 
 すると、R/H=1 を境にして、対流過程が異なっていることがわかった。また、 
 R が大きいほど形成される高密度水の密度が重くなることが過去の室内実験に 
 よって知られているが、今回の実験では、R/H<1 の時、形成された高密度水の 


豊田 威信 @北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科
大気海洋圏環境科学専攻 物理系
mail-to:toyota@lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-7431