
第 72 回 大気海洋圏物理系セミナー のおしらせ

日 時:1999年10月 7日(木) 午前 9:30 〜 12:00
場 所:低温科学研究所 2F 大講義室

発表者:Thoppil Prasad Gouri (気候モデリング講座 D1)
題 目:Formation and spreading of Persian Gulf Water mass in the Arabian Sea

発表者:石渡 正樹 (気候モデリング講座 助手)
題 目:大気大循環モデルを用いた太陽定数増減実験


Formation and spreading of Persian Gulf Water mass in the Arabian Sea (Thoppil Prasad Gouri) 発表要旨:

 The aim of the present study is to establish pathways for water 
 masses in the thermocline and contribute to our understanding 
 of the upper circulation and mixing in the Arabian Sea. The  
 subsurface salinity maxima are used to determine the spreading  
 and mixing of Persian Gulf Water mass (PGW) in the thermocline  
 of the Arabian Sea based on bi-monthly climatology of temperature  
 and salinity. The PGW forms in the Persian Gulf region during  
 winter monsoon on account of excess evaporation over precipitation  
 and turbulent heat loss exceeding the radiative heat gain. This  
 leaves the Persian Gulf region form salinity maxima between  
 200-300 m in the Arabian Sea. PGW is shown to advect along this  
 path on the isopycnal surface σt = 26.5 (depth range 200-300 m).  
 Above and below this surface spreading of PGW is accompanied by  
 small degree of vertical mixing. South of 10°N, the spreading  
 of PGW is accompanied by significant isopycnal mixing associated 
 with advection of low salinity water brought by the Equatorial  
 Current system throughout the year.  
 The seasonally varying spreading of PGW is in comparable with 
 upper circulation. During winter, the PGW deepens in the  
 southeastern Arabian Sea and propagates westward across the  
 Arabian Sea. This deepening of PGW coincides with the Lakshadweep  
 High seen in the southeastern Arabian Sea. During the southwest  
 monsoon the northwestern part of the core shoals under the influence  
 of the Findlater Jet, while the southeastern part deepens. During  
 summer, the southward spreading of PGW intensifies in the central  
 Arabian Sea, where as in winter the southwestward propagation of  
 PGW along the Somalia coast increases.   

大気大循環モデルを用いた太陽定数増減実験 (石渡 正樹) 発表要旨:

 について考察するため, 簡単な水文過程を含んだ大気大循環モデル 
 (GCM)を用いて太陽定数の増減実験を行った. 惑星上に海洋の存在 
 を許容する太陽定数の値には, 上限と下限が存在することが確認さ 
 て規定される. 暴走温室状態においては大気中の水蒸気量は増大,  
 外向き長波放射は減少を続け, 大気温度と地表面温度は上昇を続け 
 る. 暴走温室状態が発生する太陽定数の値は, 相対湿度の値を GCM 
 で得られた代表的な値に固定した時に, 1 次元モデルが与える外向 
 一方, 海洋が存在できる太陽定数の下限値は全球凍結状態の発生条 
 件によって規定される. 残念ながら, 全球凍結状態の発生条件がど 


水田 元太 @北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科
mail-to:mizuta@ees.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-2357