
98年度大気海洋専攻物理系 M1 論文紹介 のおしらせ

日 時:1998年 12月 17日(木) 午前 9:30 〜 午後 4:40
場 所:地球環境研究科 管理棟 2F 講堂

発表者:修士1年学生 (大循環力学講座・気候モデリング講座・極域大気海洋学講座)



  9:30-10:00 伊藤 潤一郎(気候モデリング)  
 Kelly, P. M., P. D. Jones, and J. Pengqun, 1996:  
 The spatial response of the climate system to explosive volcanic eruptions.  
 Int. Journal of Climatology, 16, 537-550. 
 10:00-10:30 稲津 將(気候モデリング) 
 Chang, E. K. M. and I. Orlanski, 1993: 
 On the Dynamics of a Storm Track 
 JAS Vol 50 No 7 p999-p1015 
 10:30-11:00 下田 啓(気候モデリング) 
 Itoh, H. and M. Kimoto, 1998: 
 Weather Regimes,Low-Frequency Oscillations, 
 and Principal patterns of Variability: 
 A Perspective from Dynamical Systems Theory 
 11:00-11:10 --- 休憩 ---  
 11:10-11:40 阿部 睦(気候モデリング)  
 Thorncroft, C. D., B. J. Hoskins, and M. E. McIntyre, 1993: 
 Two paradigms of baroclinic-wave life-cycle behaviour. 
 Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 119, 17-55. 
 11:40-12:10 山口 裕康(気候モデリング) 
 Nechaev, D. A. and M. L. Yaremchuk, 1995: 
 Application of the adjoint technique to processing of a 
 standard section data set: World Ocean Circulation Experiment section 
 S4 along 67゜S in the Pacific Ocean.  
 J.Geophys.Res. vol 100,C1,865-879  
 12:10-13:30 --- 昼休み --------------- 
 13:30-14:00 西浜 洋介(気候モデリング) 
 Holland, W. R., 1978: 
 The role of mesoscale eddies in the general 
 circulation of the ocean - numerical experiments using a wind-driven 
 quasigeostrophic model.  
 J.Phys.Oceanogr. V8:p363-p392. 
 14:00-14:30 馬場 賢治(極域) 
 Parkinson, C. L., 1994: 
 Spatial patterns in the length of the sea ice season in the Southern 
 J.Geophys.Res. ,99,16,327-16,339. 
 Parkinson, C. L., 1998: 
 Length of the sea ice season in the Southern Ocean,1988-1994. 
 Physical Processes,Interactions and Variability Antarctic Research  
 14:30-15:00 小松 渉(極域) 
 Makkonen, L., 1987:  
 Salinity and Growth Rate of Ice Formed by Sea Spray. 
 Cold Regions Science and Technology, 14, 163-171 
 15:00-15:10 --- 休憩 ---  
 15:10-15:40 渡辺 知弘(極域) 
 Wadhams, P., 1992: 
 Sea ice thickness distribution in the Greenland Sea 
 and Eurasian Basin,May(1987) 
 J.Geophys.Res. ,97(C4),5331-5348  
 15:40-16:10 末武 秀己(極域) 
 Martin, S., P. Kauffman, and C. Parkinson, 1983: 
 The Movement and Decayof Ice Edge Bands in the Winter Bering Sea. 
 J.Geophys.Res., 88, 2803-2812. 
 16:10-16:40 塩原 真由美(極域) 
 Palmer, T. N. and S. Zhaobo, 1985: 
 A modelling and observational study of the relationship between sea 
 surface temperature in the north-west Atlantic and the atmospheric  
 general circulation 


水田 元太 @北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科
mail-to:mizuta@ees.hokudai.ac.jp / Tel: 011-706-2359